报告题目:Microcomb-Based Ultra-fast Signal Processing
报 告 人:斯威本科技大学 谭朦曦
腾讯会议:ID:402 649 166
摘要:Microcombs – optical frequency combs (OFCs) derived from integrated micro-cavity resonators – are cogent sources of numerous frequency channels which could be used for optical ultra-fast signal processing, as microcombs provide remarkable benefits staring high multifunctionality, a brief platform footprint, unprecedented figures of comb lines, as well as extensive Nyquist bandwidths. They have capacitated revolutionary breakthroughs in applications such as radio frequency (RF) photonics, spectroscopy, frequency synthesis technique, optical automatic ranging system, quantum source, metrology, and superhigh capacity optical data transmission. Photonic ultra-fast signal processing has been expected promising solutions to exceed the intrinsic bandwidth boundaries as their electronic counterparts. Over the past few years, optical techniques were introduced to boost the performance of RF systems, OFCs were then found to be the powerful tools in RF applications. There is a wide range of sorts of OFC sources that can offer large Nyquist bands, consistent channel power, and extensive comb lines. However, such approaches face the limitation of bulky set-up and a limited number of wavelengths, microcombs, therefore, stand out as a likely OFC source for ultra-fast signal processing systems.

Mengxi (Sim) Tan received a B.Eng. degree from Changchun University of Science and Technology in opto-electronic information engineering in 2014 and a M.S. degree in optical engineering in 2017 from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. She is currently working toward her Ph.D. degree in Professor Moss’s group at Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia. Her current research interests include integrated nonlinear optics, RF and microwave photonics, ultrahigh bandwidth optical communications and optical neural networks. She has a paper in Nature (2021) and Nature Communications (2020). She is a Student Member of the IEEE Photonics Society and the Optical Society of America. She won a 2021 IEEE Photonics Society Graduate Student Scholarship - $1000 cash prize. There are only 10 awarded worldwide each year. Her cohort this year includes students from Cornell, UC Irvine and other top Universities.